Wednesday, May 22, 2013

All about Scorpio .

- For , life is a bitch, so face it.
-  s hate being obvious.
- As a ,
 - You always do what's best for you yourself .
  because you know deep down you can't trust people .
 - You are not fond of opening up to people that you aren't very close to.
 - You have your own way of doing things ,
  and don't give a fuck if people approve or not.
- will think freaky, kinky thoughts whether its an appropriate time or not .
- Don't provoke a  's  jealousy .
-  are shy until you make the first move.
- has been deceived one too many times,
 which is why they can't help but be suspicious and wary of people.
- cannot live without music. It is their soul's therapy.
- really dislike feeling like they are nobody. They love having status.
- have their own secrets & love their independence .
- always want to know why,
 where & any other possible detail they can possibly know .
- can be downright moody for no apparent reason.
- are deeply impacted by the things going on around them ,
 even if they don’t show it.
- is motivated by the fear of : Emotional dependence .
- live in their own heads, so don't expect to get much out of them.
-  is not afraid of the dark side. They are the dark side .
- live life on their own terms,
 and they don't tolerate being bossed around .
- will never forget a kind act &
 they'll be unyielding in their desire to repay it.
- prefer to live their own way eliminating any issues of who controls what .
-  s don't care about your business so long as you don't meddling to theirs.
-  s love their alone time/space &
 If you don't give it to them, they'll take it from you.
- expect you to respect their privacy. If you don't...GTFO
- A can be very shy.
- Don't break a 's trust. If you do, don't expect much for forgiveness, 
 you better prepare for their revenge instead.
- will always appear to have a tough surface, however,
 they feel emotions more deeply than any of the zodiac signs.
- If you think are shallow, think again.
 They are holding their true selves under a shell of restraint .
- are interested in almost all activities,
 so finding something to do should never be a problem.
- s are fiercely independent. Most prefer to keep a low profile.
- Suspicious  s don’t trust easily, and will fight intimacy every step of the way.
- despise weakness in others but despise it even MORE in themselves.
- The are careful with emotions; never too much ; never forceful.
 It's either there or it isn't.
-  's deep passion but guarded personality
  makes them difficult to read & understand .
- You really expect me to fall for your lies ? I see through you.
-  s all have a reason they're all proud of their sign .

credits to  

我好想忘了过去 忘了你
想你的时候 心就会颤抖
眼 泪 会 流 . 

对着一个我曾经伤害过的人 , 我真的很不知所措 .
你一定很讨厌我 . 所以我没有资格去说这样的话 .
勇气 ? 更不用说 . 这种东西我从小就没有 .
其实我不明白 我把你害成这样 为什么你还要喜欢我
这样很不公平 我会很内疚

我不敢直视你 我怕我会忍不住流泪 .
每天傻傻这样想着你 远远看着你
每一次都告诉自己 : 我根本就不配 不要在妄想了
为什么就是放不下 ? 我還愛著你 . 只是少了非要在一起的執著 .
其实我一开始就不应该踏进你的生活 .
我欠你的太多 . 我知道 , 不是一句对不起就没事了 .
如果可以的话 我不会再离开你了 .
虽然我知道 我根本就在做梦 . 
邓可盈 , 醒醒吧 .

卻也註定永遠寂寞 . 

我就是一直在保护自己的那个 .

Baby drum , guitar , violin and huskyy , Mummy will bring you home one day .
Sit there patiently and wait for mummy . I swear I will bring you all home .
Babbyyyy , mummy loves you . ;33

Saturday, May 11, 2013

11.5.13 .

this is a fake post . :3






Shiteru , kore subete watashi no se . 
Kimi ga inakute kuroshi . Kimi ni todoketai . Kimi no zenbu hoshii . 

感情什么都去吧啊啊啊啊 .
再想下去我真的会爆发 会有忧郁症dazo .
我要控制自己的想法 . soudesu .
Concentrate on my fking studies . 其他的东西什么的都去一边啊啊啊
你走开 . 再给我假希望我就一脚把你送到青山去 .
我才没那么容易被你们打败 . 哼哼 .
Mizutani Shizuku nigou ni naru . wahahahahahahahahaaaaaa .
Haru nande iranai . (ehhh ? majide ? 
Matette neee . Miseteyaruze .

19.5.13 .
今天你醒来的时候说你因为梦到我所以哭了 .
大笨蛋 对不起 . 让你梦见我了 真的对不起 .
我好想念你啊 . 然后结果什么都没能说出口 .
这种东西 到底要如何开口 ? 我不知道 . 没有勇气 .

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Senchyo Omedetou . (* ̄з ̄) ♡

今天是一年一度  我亲爱的船长可爱的生日 .
お誕生日おめでとう船長さん . (´∀`)♥ 

注 : 这一篇会有点啰嗦 不想看就不要看吧 .
其实对我来说海贼王就像我的救命恩人一样 . (诶?
说真的 . 以前的我很没脑 . (¬д¬。)
想到以前的自己我想自杀啊啊啊 (诶 别别别 !! 你在胡说些什么啊啊?啊啊啊?! 
好好好 :b (话说我像在自言自语多点啊 (¬д¬。)
认识我的人都知道 ; 过去两年的我是怎样的 .
消极 . emo . tmd消极到每一天都写那些神经病帖子.  
没想法 . 难过就伤害自己 . 完全不顾家人朋友的感受 (很想揍她啊有木有 ?!
然后在去年年中 , 我在某种命中注定的缘份遇见了海贼王 ( 尼玛你是遇见情人吗?!
不知道为什么严重爱上了它 . 几个月就把560篇海贼王给追完了.
海贼王很好 . 他给了我很多感动 .
The storyline . Fucking awesome .
Of course you won't know how it's like if you never watch before .
Luffy ,  Zoro , Nami UssopSanji , Chopper , Robin , Franky , Brook
They have hurtful past . Imagine if the same thing happened on me ,
I would have lost my hope on life and died . 
But they did not give up . Yet they stay strong . That's what inspired me . (:

无法想象一个人可以把一部漫画画得那么好 ;
把剧情写得那么感人 ; 把角色创得那么美好 ; 把人生哲学都画进去 .
没有看过海贼王的或许只会在旁吐糟 :
不过区区动漫 虚拟角色 这东西根本就不存在嘛 幼稚
不是 你没有进过我的生活 . 你不会知道海贼王给我的是什么 .
' 路飞 ' . 这个名词对来说 ; 或许根本就没有意思 . 
还是你根本就不知道是什么一个东西 .
可是对我来说 他是友情亲情希望勇敢坚强善良责任 .
或许你会觉得 : ‘ 噗 宅女就一个 宅在家里没事做才写到这样的东西出来吧 ’ 
你不知道我以前的生活是多么的糟糕 .
每一天抱怨自己 、 抱怨父母、 抱怨朋友 ;  是又抱怨 , 不是又抱怨 .
每一天都很失落 甚至差一点就离家出走 .
然后 ?
是海贼王 . 全部都是海贼王 . 
我很静 . 不会找话题 . 跟我一起的人一定觉得我很闷 . 因此我一直都很消极 .
因为全部人都不想跟一个那么闷的人谈天 .
那个时候只有海贼王陪着我 , 它让我觉得我不是一个人的 .
或许你会觉得:  ‘ 有这样夸张没有哦 神经病 ’ 
你不知道在这个世界上 海贼王救了多少人 .
你不喜欢海贼王是你的事 , 我没有资格管 okay fine .
可是你最好不要在我面前数落海贼王的不好 .
我会一世都讨厌你 .

最后一句的 笨蛋船长路飞生日快乐 .

尾田栄一郎せんせい ありがとう .
Thanks for everything . (:

- 可盈 . s Allone . -